What Do You Think I Look Like?

Dear Awesome Reader,

Recently, I had my hair done and I began to imagine what you think I look like.

Comment down below telling me your thoughts of what you think I look like! This will be really interesting…

I will do a little post later on describing what I look like and post a link to the blogger who was the closest! (Click here to see it!)

(Also, if you haven’t already, click here to share your blog with others and find new bloggers!)

17 thoughts on “What Do You Think I Look Like?

  1. lovetotrav says:

    I think you have longish hair with waves… maybe a darkish blonde to light brown. And why? Because one of my daughters is a daydreamer as well and this would describe her hair. 🙂 Have a great hair day, Cheryl

    Liked by 1 person

  2. arandompersoncalledannie says:

    I think you have boob/rib length hair, dark brown with either blond highlights or blond dip dye, and slightly wavy, and brown eyes. Probably wrong haha but I might aswell give it a go! I can’t wait for you to reveal it!:)

    Liked by 1 person

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